
All posts tagged Magick

A Medium on a Pagan Path Pt 1- Definitions and Basics.

Published March 20, 2012 by Selenah Awrin

I had been asked by Lorraine Holloway White to do a Blog article on being a natural born medium on a pagan path. It’s goal is to help others who are on a similar path that I am on and to get a small testimony of why I had chosen this spiritual path instead of the many others that are out there. However, there is much to say about my path and paganism in general. So I have divided the article into three parts.

However, I first must give a definition of what a pagan path is. My definition of paganism is an umbrella term for anyone not on an Abraham path. This includes Judaism, Christianity, and Muslim, because even though they are different paths, they are all stemming from Abraham and believe in the same God.  So basically I consider Buddhism a pagan path a-long with Taoism, Witchcraft, Druidism and many others.

My personal Pagan path can be labeled as a Solitary Eclectic Witch. Solitary means I do not practice in a coven but rather practice in my own home. Eclectic means I don’t necessarily have a religious path and follow a little bit of everything, and Witch means that I practice Magic or what others like to call witchcraft. I personally do not like to call what I do Witchcraft because it has a multitude of misconceptions and negative stigma’s associated with practicing magic. I believe that many people do use magic in many different ways without fully knowing what it is.

In order to best explain this, the definition of Magic to me is being able to Manipulate, transfer, and use astral energies to improve their own life or to help others. Astral Energies are basically energies that are on the other side of the veil that is separating the physical world to the spirit world. For me I believe that every living thing has an astral energy form. The Aura or the magnetic field around your physical body I feel is part of those astral Energies. I also believe we all have an Astral body or “Soul” that inhabits our Physical body. And when I say all living things I mean All living things, from rocks and stones to herbs and animals.

Pagan Witches are able to use these different energies and attune to the energies of the earth, and work with those energies. They sometimes call upon the elements of earth, fire, water, air, and spirit (with given permission from the elements and from the god or goddess) to help them in their spells and other spiritual work. It is our way of praying and connecting to the higher creator or to our Patron Deity. However the only difference is some Pagans witches believe in both a lord God and Lady Goddess. Believing in two different Gods for creation is basically acknowledging the masculine and feminine aspects of the creator ‘God’ or acknowledging the masculine and feminine aspects of this world. It is like the yin yang symbol that is popular amongst things. However, Not all pagans view it like this. This is my point of view of how I interpret the Lord and Lady, and cannot speak for every pagan in the world.

Also just like anyone has psychic abilities, anyone can be a witch. Some people claim you have to be a Natural Born Witch, or people think if your family is made up of a bunch of witches that it is genetic. This is very untrue just like how people say everyone can be a medium. Not everyone can be mediums, but anyone can be witches.  We all have the power or potential to use these energies, and many of us do without knowing it.

An exorcize to try to see if you can sense these energies or use these energies   is to face your palm open, and concentrate on your own energies. Imagine white light going from your center (your core, or heart) to your hand. Imagine this white light in yourself as a ball of light energy. Some people like to use other colors. If you need to use colors, you may do so, but it is not needed for everyone.  Anyway this ball of light in your hand should make your fingers and palm tingle. Put your finger in the middle of this ball you are concentrating on. If your finger feels tingly, you are doing it right. Sometimes people will also feel a cold sensation, or a warm sensation in their hands. This is the magical energy that we use. Stones, herbs, animals, and almost anything on this earth has some type of this energy within it.

How does one do magic without knowing it? In psychology some therapists do this thing where they tell you to write down every bad thing you felt or said about yourself or things people have said to you, and then throw it in the fire or rip up the piece of paper and throw them way. It was to boost up confidence, and for emotional healing. That is basically a spell. When you write down all those bad names that you hear or call yourself your getting out your emotions and emotions have a type of energy as well. When you are writing down your feelings, you are releasing that energy onto the paper with words. Words have power, so when you throw it in the fire, the fire burns that energy, and it is gone. Normally you should feel better after basically destroying all that harmful energy that is inside you.

How spells are created or done is up to the caster. They need a goal or an intent for the spell. For example are you wanting to get a new job or be prosperous? Are you wanting to have more courage or maybe just some simple healing of the heart? Once you have your goal in mind you can then put together the material components that are necessary to your spell. These components could include but not limited to candles, herbs, stones, or incenses. Different candle colors have different meanings as does the different stones and incense correspondents. Most people use material components because you can draw the energy from the objects and then it will build around you. You can channel that energy and put it into your spell. Then you can also recite a prayer or a poem or an incantation if you wish on the intent, what you want etc.

It is fairly simple. However, I do like to add that all these material components aren’t necessary. Some witches do spells in their minds through visualization. Some beginner witches are first taught to do spells through visualization because they don’t have the money to build an alter yet. Alters and material components are just tools to raise the energy that needs to be channeled, and sent out to the universe. The more energy you put in, the more powerful the spell. However not all spells need to be powerful. Many of them can just be as simple as writing your intent on a piece of paper and what you want and burning it over a white candle. Prayer is basically a spell. You are asking the Universe/God/Goddess for something and prayer has power because words have power. Your are sending out that energy through words. Most of my spells are done with visualization, but from time to time when I feel the need for my alter or the need to use material components I will do so.

Anyway if you would like more information on witchcraft I suggest researching it because this blog article is about my beliefs and my journey of how I became pagan. The reason why I decided to put more details in it about magic is to give an idea on how it works and what it really is, and to clear up misconceptions about it, so anyone reading this 3 part series understands what it is. I know that not everyone is going to understand, but I hope many people do. I will go in depth about my beliefs and morality in the next blog post.